Terms of Use

Last updated November 19, 2020

Welcome to TrashWriters! Trashwriters (“we”) is an online platform hosting content for people who love to write and share. We aim to foster collaborations among writers, editors and readers (“you”). To make the process enjoyable and creative for everyone, here are some basic rules:

1. Writing

We encourage you to write on any possible topic, and in a style that suits you, as long as it’s the result of your creative process. You are liable for what you write or edit, and we do not take responsibility for the published, edited and shared content. While we stay away from the editing and creative process, we reserve the right to delete or suspend your content should we deemed it inappropriate.

2. Editing and Contributing

As a writer, you have an option to keep your content private. However, once you make it public, you agree that it can be shared, contributed to and edited by others. Your public content can be further modified without your agreement, as long as it is properly attributed, and the same freedom to re-use and re-distribute is granted to any derivative works as explained in the ‘Licencing of Content’ section.

3. Distribution and Attributions

The goal of TrashWriters is to foster collaboration among writers and editors, and we encourage users to edit and build upon each other’s work. To make sure that the work of every contributor is appropriately attributed, each piece of writing (“scrap”) published on TrashWriters contains a reference to its edit history. The edit history lists every previous public contribution to the scrap with a link to its contributor’s screenname and TrashWriters' profile. When distributing content outside of TrashWriters platform, you are responsible for attributing the content by referencing it with its unique TrashWriters’ URL link.

4. Licensing of Content

When submitting your text and choosing to make it public, you agree to licence is under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. As specified in the licence, your public content can be shared and adapted as long it is properly attributed and it is distributed under the same licence as the original. Please note that the licence allows commercial use as long as such use is compliant with its terms.

5. Account Termination

We encourage healthy, fun and collaborative atmosphere, and we reserve the right to suspend or terminate your account should your activities be deemed inappropriate and run counter to those basic values. Specifically, we will not tolerate cases of harassment, abuse, infringements, engaging in false statements, privacy violation and using the platform for other illegal purposes. Should you wish to file a complaint or report abuse, please contact us at contact@trashwriters.com.

6. Terms and Conditions Updates

We may update these Terms and Conditions from time to time. The updated version will be indicated by a “Last Updated” date, and the updated version will be effective as soon as it is accessible. If we make material changes to the Terms and Conditions, we will notify you either by prominently posting a notice of such changes or by directly sending you an email notification.

Thank you!!

Should you have any questions, or would like provide your input or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to email us at contact@trashwriters.com. We are super excited to have you as part of our writing community!